Tamil Nadu Geographical Information System (TN GIS)

The Geographical Information System (GIS) is a tool for managing, analysing, decision making by seamlessly combining both spatial and non-spatial data. In Tamil Nadu, a vast spatial data have been generated through GIS Projects undertaken by several Departments. The basic issue in these projects are to utilize huge volume of existing data sets for decision making process. Different agencies are developing GIS on different platform leading to inability to scale up and is also not cost effective. One more issue is the source data variation that leads to Spatial / locational inaccuracy of information and mismatch in data. The other constraint in data usage is updation of data overtime, use of appropriate tools (proprietary versus open source software tools) in managing the data sets. Hence, the Project, Tamil Nadu Geographical Information System (TNGIS) is conceived with an ultimate objective to create a generic model of GIS and to easily integrate with other available data sets. This will provide an uniform GIS platform over the State. Geographical Information is necessary to take decisions in various Government Departments as well as providing services to the citizens. It is proposed to establish a Digital Maps Repository which would serve these purposes

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Tamil Nadu e-Governance Agency